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Gatten & Lake Primary School, Isle of Wight

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Gatten & Lake Primary School serves over 200 students and has a strong commitment to promoting student health and wellness.

The school contacted Sunshine Gym, the industry leaders in outdoor gym equipment design and installation, to create an outdoor fitness area. The key requirements were to make it user friendly, to accommodate multiple children at once, to be durable to withstand heavy use and all weather conditions and to cater for all fitness levels and abilities.

The project started with a site survey and consultation with the school. Based on their feedback a design was created to include a range of Sunshine Gym’s children’s equipment including a Double Strength Challenger, a Double Sit Up Bench, a Rower, a Sky Stepper, a Double Slalom Skier, an Arm & Pedal Bike, a Double Health Walker and a Leg Strech.

Key steps included site preparation by clearing and levelling the area, followed by the installation of grass matting, assembling and securing each piece of equipment with precision, and conducting thorough inspections to ensure safety.

The equipment was installed over half term to minimise disruption to students. School Business Manager, Andy Creed, stated, " The ten pieces of kit were very good value and it was a superb installation – you wouldn’t have known that the equipment and matting had only just been installed.”

The children love the new equipment, with one stating “'This is the best money the school has ever spent!” (Year 6) and another saying, “The arm wrestling wheels are brilliant because I love challenging my friends” (Year 4).

Year Completed: 


Project Value: 



Shanklin, Isle of Wight

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