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Walking to Work – Overcoming Barriers with Sunshine Gym

Walk to Work Day
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As a company, Sunshine Gym actively promote all elements of fitness and this doesn’t just include your traditional gym routine or post-work jog.

Fitness can be improved upon by making small simple lifestyle changes.

These small and simple lifestyle changes could include you altering your method of travel when it comes to commuting to your place of work.

Practising sustainable travel such as cycling, or walking instead of other less environmentally and fitness friendly methods could be a great way to improve your daily amount of exercise.

If you’re not sure quite where to start then why not take part in the annual walk to work day celebrations.

Walk to Work Day was first set up in San Francisco and takes place annually in April. Walk to Work Day was established in order to encourage more people to be mindful of both their health and their carbon footprint.

Over 36% of the general U.K public, that’s over 1/3 of all UK workers, admitted that they travel to work via car. Unsurprising in today’s society.

However, not only is this leaving a lasting impact on the environment, but it is also detrimental to our nations health and fitness levels.

It is important to note that 56% was either unaccounted for, or they participated in a different, or combined commute.

So here at Sunshine Gym we want to look into the reasons why less people are choosing to walk to work.

Only 6% of the UK population actually walk to work daily!

Why is this statistic so low?

Discounting those who cannot make the walk to work for health reasons, there are some obstacles with suitable solutions you may not have considered.


Many people have an ‘extreme’ commute, meaning that they travel for over two hours per day in order to get to work.

However, if you employ a combination commute, you can still enjoy the benefits of walking.Walking to Work | Overcoming Barriers with Sunshine Gym | Outdoor Fitness | Sustainable Travel

By using public transport you can walk to or from the train station or bus stop, rather than getting taxis or driving.

If you do not have an extreme commute but you do feel like the walk to work is just that bit too far, consider building up to the full distance.

For those who struggle with stamina, it may be easier at first to do multiple shorter periods of exercise throughout the day. Two shorter activities can be much easier to do, and just as beneficial as one long workout or walk.

Try parking further and further away from work and walking from there. Then, if you have a break or time outside of your working hours, try doing one or two other bursts of exercise that day.

We recommend another walk, or some gentle activity on local Sunshine Gym equipment if you don’t want to venture too far away.

Once you are more comfortable with this routine, you will soon find yourself able to make the full walk.


One of the reasons given for not walking to work, especially in larger cities is the thought of walking amongst the air pollution which is present in the environment as a result of both industry and of road vehicles (amongst other causes).

Road transport contributes to 22% of the UK’s total CO2 emissions, something which is highly concerning to us at Sunshine Gym.

However, be it walking or using our outdoor gym equipment, outdoor exercise is exceptionally beneficial to mental well-being, so it would be a huge shame to have to sacrifice this wonderful activity in order to avoid pollution. We suggest installing our exercise units away from main roads in order to reap the benefits without inhaling rush-hour fumes.

The more people who swap the car for walking, the healthier an option it becomes. In the long run, we would suggest finding routes which avoid polluted main roads.

This can be difficult if you work in a big city centre so, again, a walk to the tram or the tube may be your best option.

Closing Words…

Walking to work has many benefits both for your physical health and the environment.

Though there are reasons for choosing not to walk, it’s often possible to alter your routine to fit into a more energetic lifestyle.

For more information on installing a Sunshine Gym near your place of work, why not contact a member of our team.

Our trained sales advisers would be happy to help with any queries you may have!