Sports Relief is a bi-annual campaign which takes place in mid March. The campaign aims to raise both money and awareness of people who are living with disease in both the UK and across the globe.
This great appeal runs for just five days, and ends with a celebrity filled show on the final weekday
Sports relief is the partner of well-known charity, Comic Relief and runs in opposing years to this campaign.
The key difference in these two great charities is the way in which they aim to raise money. Sports Reliefs main focus is on sporting activities, whereas Comic Relief, as suggested in the title, focuses mainly on humorous campaigns.
This makes Sports Relief perfect when it comes to Sunshine Gym showing our support!
In 2018, the theme or challenge for Sports Relief was to get the nation walking more. Their aim was to get the nation hitting 1 billion steps per day, each day for the week of Sports Relief.
Even though this doesn’t run all year long, you could still take on the challenge and see just how many steps you yourself could achieve.
Alternatively, you could do it with a group of friends and see how much you could total as a group.

What is Sports Relief?
Sports Relief is a well-known charity which aims to help raise money and awareness of those living both in the UK and around the world with both physical and mental health conditions.
Since Sports Relief 2016, it is safe to say that significant progress has been made with regards to helping those in need.
However more needs to be done, which is why each year a brand new event is held, whether that be in the name of Sports Relief or Comic Relief.
Between Sports Relief 2016 and 2018, the money raised has treated over 900,000 people in Africa with anti-malaria drugs. It has also gone towards helping those women in Africa with illness related to maternity; as well as helping with their neonatal and children’s health conditions.
In addition to the efforts that have been received elsewhere on the globe, here in the UK the charity has helped over 50,000 residents by offering those help and support for mental health conditions.

The low impact equipment such as the Health Walker is a great place to start when trying to increase both movement and steps.
The motion simulates that of walking yet the machine moves with the user at a steady pace. Thus resulting in a lesser impact on both the knee and ankle joints.
This makes this method brilliant for those who are not used to exercising or who are easing themselves into it after an operation.
You can increase the intensity of the workout by moving faster, with Sunshine Gym you set your own pace, and any resistance comes solely from the user’s body weight. Making it perfect for everyone.
So why not use Sunshine Gym’s outdoor fitness equipment to help you to reach your own step targets!

The charity raises money and awareness by setting both the nation and a range of willing celebrities sporting or fitness related challenges.
In 2018 Sports Relief are focusing their attention on counting steps. As well as trying to increase global activity all in the name of charity.
You can track your steps using a smart phone, smart watch or pedometer. Alternatively you can download the sports relief app. Their app is available to download on all devices and keeps track of your steps. So whether you only contribute your daily dog walking activity, or you take on one of the more challenging activities like scaling the side of a mountain, you can do your bit when it comes to adding up the steps!
How can Sunshine Gym help?
Sunshine Gym, have a range of outdoor gym equipment which can help you to rack up your steps.