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High Protein Foods and Your Fitness Goals

High Protein Foods and Your Fitness Goals
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The key to keeping fit, and leading a healthy lifestyle is not just one easy fix. In order to reach peak health and fitness levels one must combine both the correct diet and increased exercise amounts.

At Sunshine Gym we often talk about how you must exercise regularly – and how our range of outdoor fitness equipment can help!

But that is just one piece of the overall fitness puzzle.

Diet is just as important as exercise! In order to remain healthy, or improve your health you must eat a well balanced diet.


This includes all of the five major food groups: Carbohydrates, Fruits & Vegetables, Fats, Protein and Dairy.

It is a common misconception that in order to lose weight you must cut out one entire food group…THIS IS NOT THE CASE.

Weight loss and fitness plans are all about eating, but in moderation. Small amounts of fatty foods can actually benefit the body – rather than hinder it. For example, chocolate!

Find out more information about the benefits of eating chocolate here.

At Sunshine Gym we love to encourage a healthy lifestyle, and provide information to support you no matter what stage in the fitness journey you are at. That is why below we have come up with a visual list of different HIGH PROTEIN foods which should be eaten regularly.

Each of these foods have been chosen due to their higher protein levels and unique abilities to help aid in weight loss.

All information provided comes from the NHS website – however before starting any diet it is a good idea to contact a health professional to ensure that weight loss is done safely.

So take a look at our list below for information on our chosen foods: 



This list is by no means extensive- there are plenty more high protein foods which you can add to your diet to help improve you weight loss journey.

Head over to the NHS website for more information on keeping a balanced diet.

Finally, ensure that you are partnering these dietary changes with regular exercise. Regular exercise using our outdoor fitness equipment you can achieve your fitness and weight loss goals in no time.

Want to start your journey? Contact us today for more information on any of our equipment.